Monday, April 12, 2010

Life is a Story

Tell me your story.

What is it about stories that generate so much power, emotion, and truth that we cannot help but turn an ear to someone who is telling one? Stories are powerful, because we all have one. Real stories. Fiction stories. Personal stories. Dynamic stories. Funny stories. Short stories. Long stories. They all carry something special. Something real.

Everyone has a story. Every story has a plot, setting and characters. Events in our lives stack on top of each other; and every story has this effect on the next thing that happens in our lives. Maybe something or someone has effected your story in such a big way, that you cannot help but let it show throughout the rest of your life. Some of these are sad stories--lives ruined by divorce, changed by abuse, filled with sin, taken away by cancer, or pulled away by death. Or perhaps they are happy stories-- new lives created through marriage, changed by children, crowded with successes, filled with purpose, and lives lived by fulfilling faith. Everyone has characters in their lives that have brought joy or depression: a father, a girlfriend, a neighbor, a preacher, a friend, a stranger, or even the mail lady. If you cannot tell by now, I am a big believer that this life that we live is filled with and continues to be a story.

But there is a story that effected us all before the world began...

Whether we recognize it or not, God is the creator of the story. He created this story called life. The beauty of God is found in the fact that although he created this story in us, he loves us enough to not write it. He brought story to life--so that that story can bring real love and glorification to him. God also owns an eraser. When our stories go so wrong, and mess up so much--he doesn't count that against us. Instead, he wrote an addition to the story and called it salvation. And the main character was Jesus. (follow the cheesy analogy for now)

The main point of this blog is to get across the idea of seeing life as a story. We all have one don't we? And they all mean something. The great thing about stories is that they never end. Some may seem stagnant, but they never end because our stories carry on through out history. Every story has an effect on another story that carries on after we breathe our last gulp of air.

I have heard people say, "I hate when people ask 'what is your story'". But i cannot help but wonder why. Stories are beautiful and real. The thing about stories is they are always changing. What you decide to do today and tomorrow can and will effect other stories until Jesus returns. Your story may feel like a dead end or a wrong turn, but it only takes a decision to turn it all around. And Vice Versa, life is going so great and ONE change in the story and take a turn for the worst. Life is a story--

tell it, change it, and live it

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