Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This Is Me

Identity is such a huge issue. This whole idea of "Who am I?" runs crazy through each of our minds. We battle back and forth with ourselves. We see this deep, sometimes dark, thoughts of self worth and self image. Most developmental psychologist believe this conflict of "Who am I?" plays a major role in the life of adolescents. And I agree, but it doesn't this question ring in all our minds? Teens to senior citizens go through this. Christians, Muslims, and Atheists go through this. I go through this, and so do you.

Working with junior high and high school students, it is inevitable that this issue about identity and self worth will come up. I have heard story after story of young girls being destructive to their bodies because they don't like the way that they look. Or stories about guys who never lift their heads while walking through the hall way because they know someone will say something about them. It breaks my heart to hear about young girls starving themselves in order to look a certain way. Or seeing scars where they have cut.

Who am I?

Well, I was made in the image of God. I know that I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23), but when Christ came to earth, he took that sin for me. He was beaten, tortured, and killed for my sin. I was made holy and pure, not because of what I have done, but because of what Jesus has already done for me on the cross. Am I perfect? FAR from it. I was once dead to sin, but I have been made alive in Christ. All my worth is in him. All my image is in him. All of me is in him. I hope you can say the same, but I know that everyone who reads this can't. Next time someone asks you, WHO ARE YOU?? I hope you can stand up proudly and say:

This is Me

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